
My approach

By this point in my career, I know what I'm good at and what I'm not.

I've a LOT of experience in the interactive digital world, across multiple sectors and channels. An extensive background in interactive health tools, computer games, websites and B2B tools.

Have a look at my portfolio - this gives a flavour of what I do and how I do it.

email: martin@martinmoth.co.uk



My Officer Training in the Royal Air Force many years ago developed and refined my man management and leadership qualities.

I'm 'responsible and accountable' - fast-disappearing qualities in today's blame and 'not my fault' culture.

Team building

I can pick people who work well together. I get a lot out of any team and enable them to perform better than the sum of the individual parts.

I'm very inclusive - everyone has great ideas, not just the most senior person, and I'll happily take the best idea and work with the team to improve it (making sure that person gets the kudos for the original idea). I'm also good at mentoring.

Unconventional but effective

I work best where all my skills and often unorthodox methods can be utilised. I'm good at problem solving - I'll come up with unusual solutions and get the job done.

Geek in a suit

Having worked in both marketing and technical teams at many levels, I can relate to both 'suits and geeks'. This duality is highly valued by the various teams I work with - I fit in with programmers and marketeers alike.

It also means I'm good at meeting client needs - I can understand both their marketing and technical product requirements.

Devil's advocate

I'm good at seeing both sides of any argument and drawing people into discussion to explore the upsides/downsides of any proposal.

Meyers-Briggs - ENTP

For those that set store in Meyers-Briggs personality types, I'm an ENTP - it's an accurate reflection of who I am and how I work.